Why are Infographics an Essential Marketing Tool?

Mai 13, 2022

Marketers are always looking for the perfect formula of content types in order to drive customer engagement. 

Considering that 93 per cent of all communication is nonverbal, it is hardly surprising that infographics are an extremely effective marketing format. But what are the main reasons why every company should consider creating an infographic?

Visuals and the brain

The statistics are overwhelming. Visuals are processed up to 60,000 times faster than text, while 90 per cent of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. On top of this, 40 per cent of people will respond better to visual information. This underlines just how important it is for brands to be thinking about creating infographics, as they are an excellent way to condense a lot of information into an aesthetically-pleasing format. 

Infographics are engaging

Marketers are keen for every piece of content they produce to have key takeaways. This means having a clear and memorable message and the use of visuals provides the perfect platform for this. While only 20 per cent of people remember what they read, 80 per cent remember what they see and do. By developing a compelling brand proposition through an infographic, organisations are increasing their chances of long-term success.

They are more likely to be read

There’s no point spending hours creating a thought-provoking blog post if no one bothers to read it. Considering that an infographic is 30 times more likely to be looked than a text article, it makes sense to commit resources to this tactic. Remember, you’re looking to boost brand visibility and one of the best ways to make this happen is to get people actively involved with the content you are producing, as they are then more likely to share the content with others and speak about it on social networks. 

Brand reinforcement

Because of the visual nature of infographics, they can be picked up by major press and trade publications in order to increase brand exposure. If consumers find out about the infographics organically through a respected source, this will only help to boost brand reinforcement. For example, if Moz reports on an infographic, this offers the company responsible for creating the content a superb opportunity to go viral. 

Boost traffic

Developing a strong brand voice takes time and involves companies successfully delivering knowledge and insight to their target audience. An essential part of this process is boosting traffic, both organic and referral, so more people are reading the material in the first place. According to Market Domination Media, publishers using infographics will grow traffic 12 per cent faster than those who do not. It stands to reason that the more prospects you can get to your website, the better chance you have of converting or pushing them further down the customer journey.

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