IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge: Daniella Johnston
Disclaimer: Please note that all commentary and opinions provided in this interview are those of the individual and not the organisation/company they are employed by.
What skills and attributes do female leaders bring to create diverse leadership at management level?
I think many female leaders are good at acknowledging their own achievement and helping to share their experiences with those coming up behind. Being accessible and approachable is really key in helping develop teams, I know I’ve found the experience of others helpful in my own development.
What does “choose to challenge” mean to you?
We have two options, we can stand by and watch inequality in all of its manifestations, or we can choose to challenge. I see “challenging” as being something we are all responsible for doing and it’s something we should support beyond our own individual agendas.
How can female leaders ensure they get a seat at the table?
Speak up! Despite often being strong communicators, so often women don’t make clear their aspiration to take a seat. Look for projects where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills and leadership to raise your profile. The biggest issue I find, is making the time to either take part in additional projects when you are already in a busy role, you need to carve some time out and make it a priority for yourself.
Click below to read the full edition of IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge: Female Leaders Across The Globe.https://indd.adobe.com/embed/bb2678fd-fafb-4e5f-b57b-bbe97612e7cf?startpage=1&allowFullscreen=true